Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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0:00 : Walking out of the classroom, two kids walk in with brooms and dustpans. Seems common within the school to have kids clean the classroom once school is out. Tired and hungry, I don’t think twice. 0:14 : Walked down the stairs and out the huge wooden doors of the building to walk outside...

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Live From The Field


From being in Ecuador for a little over a month, I have been catching on to the differences in this culture from the one I left back home. Here is a list of things that I have either observed or experienced from my time here. Differences in Culture/Daily life Rice is served with every meal...

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My town, my family and a highlight


A 15 hour travel day from the US to Ecuador was the start of a many new smells, sights, and sounds who both have fueled and drained my energy. In this blog post, I´ll describe my town, introduce you to my family and share one of my highlights so far. My town, Gualaceo, is the...

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This past few days have been a little rough. I decided to make a list of a bunch of things that annoyed me or inconvenienced me in some way as a way to try to shake off these bad vibes: Was told I was getting a ride home, didn’t get the ride home After being...

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An Open Letter to My Sister on her 21st Birthday


Hey Moo Moo,   Guess what? No, actually.  Guess. What.   IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY!! WOOHOO!   Okay, so maybe you knew that…but still! I’m so excited for you and I’m not even on the same continent as you!  Yeah…actually about that. I’m really sorry I can’t be with you today and celebrate with you. Not...

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Realizations during experiences


When people say that having a sense of empathy changes your outlook on things, they’re not lying. This week I started my apprenticeship in la casa hogar para todos. For those who don’t know, this is an orphanage. I had mentioned many times before my disliking of children and how apprehensive I was towards starting...

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Gender Roles in Ecuador


Something that I have notice whilst being here in Ecuador is the importance of defining gender. I never knew how much of a female dominant presence I had in my own family home until I arrived here. Yesterday was very interesting because all the females during dinner had red mugs, and the father of the...

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Cada Dia Es Loco!(At My Internship)


On day one of my internship I found out I would be teaching not at one school but four. I start my day at 8:20 in the morning at the millennial school in Urcuqui. This complex consists of two schools about a block apart. Looking at my daily schedule, I Inevitably guess incorrectly which of...

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Things I hope I don’t forget


A simple video about a few things special to Ecuador, Ibarra, or my experience that I hope remember long after my year here. [vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/NGbmfXlDZmo’]

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Casa de Adobe


After spending around two and a half weeks with my permanent host family, I feel like I have become familiar enough with the house and my family to talk about my homestay and its cultural differences.  Firstly, I want to talk about my house-or rather my two houses. The first house, I live in with...

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Little things


I forgot to mention some logistical things when updating my blog posts..so here you go 🙂 We started with 50 Ecuador fellows at Stanford.   Our cohort of 50 was split into the Northern Hub and Southern Hub. I am in the South. In the Southern Hub, there are three groups of 10 each. My...

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Meet My Regional Cohort: Rosé All Day!


Get to know my Ecuador Regional Cohort, Rosè All Day, in this quirky video inspired by questions found at: http://4hatsandfrugal.com/2014/05/100-questions-no-one-ever-asks.html   [vc_video link=’ https://youtu.be/pMD7IdxrMmI’] (Filmed and edited on the iPhone 7 with iMovie)   •Donate to the Global Citizen Year scholarship fund here: https://donate.globalcitizenyear.org/fundraise?fcid=978608 Click the links below to subscribe to the individual Ecuador Blogs of the fellows...

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