Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Realizing I Wanted To Reject Conventional Higher Education for a Bridge Year in Ecuador: A Decision In 3 Acts


I I’ve spent the last two years criticizing conventional education systems whenever I got the chance. Give me a prompt and the opportunity and stand back as I rant on and on about the not-so-subtle class discrimination involved in standardized testing or the ineffective nature of the ‘memorize and regurgitate’ method needed for the majority...

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a simple reflection


A Simple Reflection If someone would have told me four years ago that after high school I would be going to be South America to help children, I would have never believed them. I mean, who does that? I was the last person to leave home, move to another country, and work as a volunteer...

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New Adventure


In less than 24 days I will be embarking on an adventure of a lifetime. I am so excited to see all the fellow cohorts from Ecuador and ready to learn about the culture in Ecuador.  [vc_video link=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trT4NLJJmPU’]

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Embarking On A Journey


This is something extraordinary that I get to do. I have the opportunity to step back this next year and really take a look at the world before I jump in the following year in college. I am so thankful to all the people that have allowed me to take this journey. My parent, friends,...

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Quilotoa Loop Backpacking Photos


In early February I took a backpacking trip with three members of my Regional Cohort, Sahar, Lily and Phoebe. After two days of intense hiking, we reached the Laguna Quilotoa, a beautiful crater lake. Here are some photos!  

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Blogo Numero Uno


It feels surreal that after months of reading other Fellows' blogs, my very own is going up on the website. I could post about how nervous and excited I am for eight months in Ecuador, but I've been feeling like a broken record since April. For my first blog entry, I think I'm going to...

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Too excited to wait


Honestly, waiting is the hardest part in this whole process. You can be working on all these requirements, but what is coming up ahead is something that I just can't shake off. I'm too excited for what is coming up ahead. There is no fear or doubt in my mind as of this moment and...

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Fun Fact: I’m Scared


Fun fact #1: I knew that I wanted to do a “gap year” before I even applied for college. The best learning I had ever had was outside of the standard educational system. Summer internships and my semester school taught me more about myself and gave me a new lens to see the world. I...

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“The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.” This is the definition of religion given by the oxford dictionary. But what is religion really? Where does it come from? Why do we put ourselves into religious groups? Why is religion sometimes being used for power? Am I...

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A Video from my Trip into the Amazon


[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/jWz3CuN20oU’]

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March- Last full month in Ecuador


Last market day at the farm Last few days with my host family The goodbye

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February- The month of sharing


Getting ready to share a presentation with my cohort Sharing my life in Ecuador with my family from home

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