Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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The Whole Story


So I made this video way back in November but had a lot of technical difficulties getting it posted ? Just a snapshot into the beginning portion of my Bridge Year in Ecuador! As I enter my final week in my host community, I realize that so much has happened since then.Try watching until the...

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As my time in Ecuador has come to a close, I have taken note of the stones I have not yet turned. Of those are but a few that bring such raw awe and excitement as has exploring the back roads of my rural mountainous community. Long treks through any setting will undoubtably do one...

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No hay vida sin agua


The view of the Andean mountains warms up my heart. If there is one thing I fell in love with here, it is the nature and the indigenous environmental movements. The more hikes and lectures I attend, the more fascinated I am by their ideology. One concept I learned about is sumak kawsay, the idea...

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Hi there heres a link to the video blogs I've done so far this year! More to come.. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGqZv5emnPYy1A1rZxUttrA/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd Best, Ryan Quintana

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Disconnecting in order to connect


Hey guys, it’s been a while   I haven’t written a blog in nearly three months, and I have some reasons to account for that: I was busy travelling around the country, I had a lot on my hands with my apprenticeship change (which ended up being a perpetual one), the holidays with my host...

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Full Circle


Full Circle When I was first informed about the details of my apprenticeship all those months ago in Quito’s Parque Carolina, I was slightly terrified, for lack of a better explanation. I was to be assisting in the special education school in Gualaceo, a town I knew nothing about at the time. While my high...

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This is Ecuador (November 2016)


[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/mnl1Dj029-I’]   This is Ecuador (November 2016) Disclaimer: For those that speak Spanish, this blog may make a bit more sense for you. For those that do not, I will try my best to use my recently struggling English (I seem to be forgetting my words more often and using the wrong ‘your’ and...

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My Life in Ecuador


Hello all and welcome back! While this may be a little late for this kind of blog post, I wanted to share what my daily life has been like in Ecuador with you. I have been living in the northern province of Imbabura, in the capital city of Ibarra. It is a fairly small city,...

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Back to the blog game


  Hey everybody! After taking a 4 month blog vacation I have decided (been requested) to get back into the blog game.   My first blog here will be an attempt to explain my blog absence since October, or in other measurements, my first week in homestay. Oh, how so much has changed since then…...

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Disrespectful Foreigners


During our Global Citizen Year training we were encouraged to change our mindset towards mistake. Instead of seeing them as something negative, we were supposed to see them as learning opportunities. Although I agreed with this approach, I wanted to minimize the amount and the impact of my mistakes/learning opportunities, which hurt others. With that...

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Lessons from Life in Ecuador


Over the past six months I have spent much time analyzing the intricacies of the Ecuadorian customs that I have had the privilege to experience. Cultural differences between my old home and my new one provided an opportunity to ponder the stark contrast between the two and discover how that fit with my view of...

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The Galapagos


Hey guys! So, at the end of December (during Christmas) my family came down to visit me and my host family. It was fantastic being able to show my parents and sister how I live my life here in Ecuador and how interesting living with an indigenous Cañari family is. We visited Ingapirca, ate cuy...

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