Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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How I Got Here


I have been struggling to write a first blog. Not only because I criticize my writing and feel pressured to create this “ideal blog” but mostly because I am having a hard time being vulnerable to this strange internet space. I don’t want my bridge year to be glorified and covered in roses and daisies...

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And the Journey Awaits…


Well, I’ve now been in Quito for two weeks and with Global Citizen Year for three. It is still baffling to hear myself say this, but the fellows I’ve met here feel like lifelong friends. After 3 weeks. I think that definitely has to do with how co-dependent we are on each other right now....

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What the Future Holds and Spanish Struggles


Today–after weeks of speculating, and begging team leaders to give me hints about where I will be spending the next seven months–I received my placement information! The descriptions of where I will be living, who I’ll be living with, and what I’ll be doing fit onto a small piece of paper, but I haven’t been...

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Hello all and welcome to my blog! Today marks the 18th day since I left home. 18 days of growth, happiness, sadness, laughter, amazing food, terrible food, new things, new people, and a whirlwind of emotions and experiences I find difficult to put into words. 18 days ago I arrived at Pre-Departure Training in the...

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The Start of My Insane Journey


Ok so I’m going to be straight up with you guys. I’m not very good at writing, so these blog posts are are going to be pretty basic while focusing on stories that I think are cool. I’m sorry, I know flowery language is fun to read, but that’s just really not my style. Friday,...

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Last fall college loomed large in my life. I built my routine around a list of things I needed to do in order to get into colleges. My average day would include such tasks as writing an essay “In 250 words or less, how do you imagine yourself living and learning at Bard/ Skidmore/ Wheaton?”,...

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Recap of a week in Quito


 My first week in the bustling city that is Quito just came to an end. It came by so fast, but then again time seemed to pass so slowly; so many things happened! From learning how to navigate a crazy bus system full of interesting adventures to exploring the historical center of the city que...

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Why I Decided to Defer From College A Year


For the third time this summer, I found myself suffering from a sore shoulder, because apparently you can’t just hop on a plane and move to another country you’ve never been to without the proper vaccines.    I endure this for you Ecuador!    People always ask me, what kind of study I’ll be doing there for a year?...

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Expect The Unexpected


I am sitting in bed at my temporary host family’s home in Quito, Latino music is blasting through the apartment and I finally feel like I’ve arrived. The past two weeks have been overwhelming; after having been dropped off by my family in the middle of nowhere in California for Pre-Departure Training (PDT). A week...

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PDT: Listening to Learn and Learning to Listen


Quotes collected by Sophia Pandelidis Photos by Jasen Lo (Thank you!) At first, I planned for this project to be focused on small visual snapshots in order to contribute to my larger goal of living in the moment over my Bridge Year. However, as PDT progressed, I found myself listening rather than looking. I was...

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Stretching, but not tearing


Here I am. I have been in country for exactly a week now, and so much has already transpired. Take for example, this morning: Around 8 o’clock, there was a 4.4 magnitude earthquake. It took place no more than 100 kilometers from Quito, the capital of Ecuador, and the city in which I currently reside....

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What and Why


  Hello all… Welcome to my blog! Over the course of the next eight months, I will be posting updates on my year as consistently as possible. For my first post, I figured it would be fitting to explain what exactly it is I am doing and why it is I am doing it. As of today, I...

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