Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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The Big Questions


There was one idea that really stood out to me as I was listening to the opening speech by Abby Falik, the CEO and Founder of Global Citizen Year, during our Pre-Departure training in the Redwoods Alliance, California. She told us about her interpretation of the New Year’s resolutions. Every year she finds a question,...

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Noa Santana Bridson​ A name that blossomed from the love created by some crazy hippy couple living in South Korea in the mid-1990's. A name that carries the meaning " the one who wanders". A name that plays the strings of my parents favourite love song. A name that tells the story of my unruly...

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Why deferring from college for a year was the best decision I made


Yes it is true, that the road less traveled is hard to walk, but here is why I decided to defer from college for a year. My senior year of High School I was involved in so many different local organizations, projects and doing various presentations on local issues. I was on top of my...

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reflection, reflections


During one of many reflections throughout this past week, I said to my tribe that PDT had been one of the best experiences of my life. I reverted back to a conversation I had with Henry as we walked to the dining hall from Pac, a 2 minute walk. During that 2 minute walk Henry...

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When dreams meet reality


It’s been a week since I left Montreal for San Francisco, and these 7 days have been like heaven on Earth: I met a 120 amazing people from all around the world and experienced California like never before! For the first part of the week we stayed in the Redwoods, and the imposing silhouette of...

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The Story Begins…


      Hello and welcome to my blog! Currently, I am writing from mi cuarto in Quito where I will spending the next Hello and welcome to my blog! Currently, I am writing from mi cuarto in Quito where I will spending the next 3 weeks with a lovely host couple before moving to my placement site...

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Packing Up


Whenever I think of Ecuador in the abstract, it feels manageable. I am excited by the idea of it and while I can foresee challenges, none are so large that I will be unable to tackle them. However, when Ecuador leaves the abstraction of thought and enters the reality through packing, it is as if...

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Uncertainty and Unexpected Discoveries


I feel like I’ve been hesitant to write this blog post for a long time, because for months and months, I had absolutely no idea what I was diving into. I knew a dear friend who had done Global Citizen Year and spent eight months in Ecuador, and that was my only connection to the...

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Not Leaving Everything Behind


This is Brownie Bear. When I was 5 years old, my brother and I were in the bath. From what I’ve been told, my parents rushed into the bathroom, put towels on us, and ran us out of the house. There was no time to get clothes. According to the fireman, a candle had been...

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The Right Choice (?)


Two nights before I left Seattle for Pre-Departure training I was lying in bed. My thoughts weren’t of excitement or anticipation at all—I was brainstorming ways to get out of doing the bridge year I had so eagerly signed up for eight months prior. I was warm in my blanket and outside of my window...

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Perfect Imperfections


I woke up this morning in the dorm I am currently staying in until I leave for my country, and normally in my bedroom back home I do not have any mirrors in my bedroom because they have always made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Now still half asleep at about 5:40 a.m. I noticed...

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Why Global Citizen Year and What I Already Learned From It


When I was 8 years old, I told my mom I want to be a nun because I wanted to help people. At the age of 9, I was thinking that if I ever win a monetary prize, I could get 10 000 energy bars for 10 000 BAM (approx. 6000 USD). I wanted to...

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