Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Finding old friends and new purpose


Here I stand, balanced at the edge of an incredible precipice. I need not look over the edge, nor fear the fall I shall soon take. Because for the first time in a very long while, I am not alone. As many of you may know, I have chosen to defer my matriculation at Hobart...

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En Route


I'm trying to keep my eyes open after not getting more than a few consecutive minutes of sleep throughout the night. At this point I've already travelled for twelve hours, with another seventeen to go before I arrive in San Francisco and pre-departure training. I find it quite hard to grasp that I'm actually on...

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Departing for an Ecuadorian journey


It’s two in the morning, I just finished repacking my luggage, and I still can’t sleep due to my imminent departure. I’m leaving to San Francisco in a couple of hours, but it’s also the beginning of a much more grandiose adventure and it has a name: Ecuador. For the next 9 months, I’ll be...

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Going, going, but not yet gone


Bienvenidos a mi blog! I knew very early on in my college application process that I wanted to take a gap year, but I started out not knowing at all what I sought to do or achieve on it. Throughout my extensive research, I developed the understanding that above all else what I wanted was...

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preparing for the unknown


  These past several months have been full of to-do lists. First to-do list: get all my vaccinations, check. Second to-do list: send off my Visa application, check. Third to-do list: the infamous “packing list,” where every day I checked something off and added something on for the entire month of July, check. I now have, piled up in the...

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Searching for a Home


I’m losing The Purple House this summer.   When I walk out the front door on August 19th with one magenta suitcase, a backpack, and a guitar in hand, I will never get to walk into my home again. It will never be mine again. This will not merely be a mental separation, created by...

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Global Competence


Pride. Not the bad kind, the good kind. The kind a parent shows on their face when their kid just said they were accepted to college. Pride. That was what I saw on the face of a Black woman sitting within the street markets of Ibarra, as she looked up to Desire Mulla (a Black...

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Where I’m supposed to be


You can watch my capstone video here. Hope you enjoy! Saludos cordiales, Ploy Kongkapetch  

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La Familia


    A little insight into my Ecuadorian family, the people who so graciously welcomed me into their home. I am so thankful for every one of them; they each hold a special place in my life. Take a look at the photo of all of us together and click on the audio to listen...

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Ting that Happened


Epilogue: I didn’t really realize that I already had 4 blogs up, I don’t want to post too many cause I feel like only a handful of people other than my mom and aunts read my blogs (Shout out to Lisa Walter & Eileen! And other staff!??!). Leave me a message! Show some love! It...

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Photo Edition


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My Apprenticeship


During my seven months in Cañar, I spent much of my time working at a local organization called Mushuk Yuyay. Kichwa for “new way of thinking,” Mushuk Yuyay is an agricultural organization whose structure consists of two parts: the Coop and the Association. The Coop serves as a community bank, holding people’s money as well...

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