Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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12 February 2016


My entire life I have been taught to accept certain truths as fact and certain knowledge as objective, but during my time abroad in Ecuador I have been able to see that some of these truths are not accurate. It is not as straightforward as I had once believed. We are all complex individuals never...

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We Are Family


    It’s official, we are family. We took a family road trip to Quilotoa! We woke up at 5am, packed the car and hit the road around 6am. My brother, Washington, drove. In the passenger seat sat my dad, Wilson and his daughter Tiffany. My mom, my sister, and I squished into the backseat. In the...

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A year of 19th


28th April, 2016. Today is my last day of me being 19. Yes, Tomorrow is my 20th birthday.  I was trying to think about what was I was doing this time last year, then the picture of me sitting in a classroom and trying to study for my IB finals came up. I remember those...

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To You, My Friends


This is to you, my friends. Friends who, Forged through trials of Fire and Rain, Formed connections strong Built upon a pyre of Countless tears and Multiple more smiles Such that the friendships formed Outshone the pain of any fire   This is to you, my friends, The ones who endured countless hours As seats...

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…From Being Home


I'm writing this in a collection of days, because I simply have not been able to formulate my words about being back home. I'm writing this from my bedroom back in Huntington Beach, California; from the kitchen table with my coffee, and cat sitting next to me; and from the sofa in my pajamas and...

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Ojala voy a…


Ojala voy a… (Hopefully I will…) Breath : Relish in every moment : Remember the good : Forgive : Not forget : Embrace the weird : Respect the norm : Savor the ride : Challenge yourself : Take in my surroundings : Love myself : Love others : Prioritize : Indulge : Let go :...

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My Host Family


Hey there my awesome blog subscribers. I thought I'd use this blog to tell you all about my host family, the lovely people I lived with throughout my seven months in Cañar. My host family consists of six people, not including myself. There's Hatun Mama (grandma), Mama Carmela (mom), Tía María (aunt), Geovanny (brother), Lourdes...

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the love shack


This blog I’ve dedicated to my dear Napastafarians, who were an invaluable part of my Global Citizen Year experience. I learned so much from them, so much about empathy, curiosity, how to not take things at face value, and how to think in general. I made a small video that includes a recording from a...

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Last week was Semana Santa, or Holy Week. My little sister had Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off from school. My host parents went to mass at night during the week instead of just on Sunday morning. On Thursday, after coming home from the tia’s (aunt’s) house at around 9:30, my whole host family (except my...

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6th April, 2016.  I remember on that day I didn't have the feeling that I was leaving at all even though my host mother's eyes were so red because she'd been crying. I thought I would break down on that day, but I didn't. I thought it would hit me during the times of Training...

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In the Efforts of Being Honest


​ There are tons of thoughts going through my mind now that I am back in Cincinnati. Listen to hear just a little bit about what it has been like to be back “home.”    

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Alumni Post–On Being a Queer Fellow, Five Years Later


I’m going to try to tackle a challenging, sensitive topic, both for myself, for other LGBT folks, for families, and for Global Citizen Year. Please know that this is a narration of my personal experience as a Fellow in 2010-2011, and I am not claiming to represent the entire queer community. I hope that by...

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