Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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To My Moms


“Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are” – Cheryl Lacey Donovan I believe that I am one of the luckiest people in the world because my best friend and role model happen to be the same person, my mom. We have the kind of relationship where I easily admit...

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kitchen table


the kitchen table raised me, how to eat mito ( fried tilipia napo dish )understanding the complications of life in the rainforest. In the day I looked out at the gaps of the wood and tin roof where the tropical trees swayed; where children’s laughter and screaming voices echoed into neighboring houses.. That kitchen table...

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Imbaya as Home


Home, to me, is familiarity. It’s the ability to shut your eyes and imagine a place, so clearly as if you can reach out and touch that fleeting memory. To me, home was 11 Ladbrook Grove, the place that I had established my roots and routines, the place where my family was. It was my...

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Candy, The Foreigner in Raas


Out of all my friends in Ecuador, I noticed that the one I connected with the most was Candy, and no, I don’t mean the Hershey’s or Twizzlers kind – her name was Candy. Candy simply understood me and was always ecstatic to see me, and vice-versa. We had so much in common that it...

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My Year in Photos


A picture can really be worth a thousand words. Thus, I’ve compiled many of my photos into a photo blog. I also included a digitized version of the Humans-of-the-school-where-I-taught-English book, which I created and left in hardcover form at the school. This project was particularly meaningful to me, as the school was such an integral...

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“I believe that one can never leave home. I believe that one carries the shadows, the dreams, the fears, and the dragons of home, under ones’s skin, at the extreme corners of one’s eyes and possibly in the gristle of the earlobe.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5fv8GKi9UU  

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Teaching : A Tribute to Teachers


Well, finally the desks have turned and I was left standing in front of 22 sugar-filled Ecuadorian 8th graders to teach English. The first day they were quiet, attentive, and took notes. It was tranquil and I eagerly went home and created more lesson plans. By the end of the week my classroom looked like...

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A Few Words About Words


Words. Letters together to form sounds in which we add intonation to drive our meaning- to show feeling. We are here in a place where the words you know are neither heard nor said- so you scream them- left with only you to hear the voice in your head. It’s time to take the time...

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The Roles I Play


Podcast by åÊIsabel Nardi    

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Alumni Post – Life in the Trenches: Digging My Way Out


JT is a Global Citizen Year alum (Ecuador ’14), and a Gates Millennium Scholar studying Global Liberal Studies, Urban Education, and Spanish at NYU. The following post comes froma presentation he delivered at the Ford Foundation in New York City on April 2, 2015. Six years ago‰ÛÓin the course of working my way through school,...

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The Roles I Play


Podcast by Isabel Nardi    

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