Archives: Fellow Updates

Fwd: Elecciones en Brasil Elections in Brazil

Mauro Ramirez-Azofeifa


———- Forwarded message ——— From: Mauro Ramirez Subject: Elecciones en Brasil Elections in Brazil To: Durante el mes de Octubre aprendí mucho sobre la situación política. Brasil es un país hermoso, rico en cultura y tradiciones. Un país muy grande y extenso donde cada estado tiene diferentes necesidades. Durante el proceso de las elecciones converse...

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Elecciones en Brasil Elections in Brazil

Mauro Ramirez-Azofeifa


IMG_20180929_141618.jpg IMG_20181005_174524.jpg ———- Forwarded message ——— From:Mauro Ramirez Subject: Elecciones en Brasil Elections in Brazil To: Durante el mes de Octubre aprendí mucho sobre la situación política. Brasil es un país hermoso, rico en cultura y tradiciones. Un país muy grande y extenso donde cada estado tiene diferentes necesidades. Durante el proceso de las elecciones...

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Photos of December in Ecuador

Bihotza James-Lejarcegui


Host brother Pedro’s 11th birthday Performing with my dance academy “Paradigma Dance Crew” at a Quinceañera 4) Walking through the city of Cuenca Retreat on the coast of Puerto Lopez. Along with presentations, speakers, and discussions about the various effects of “voluntourism”, we got mud masks, played soccer on the beach, and visited a National...

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A quick note about natural hair/ hablemos de cabello

Ndenda Mutsaku


English then Spanish Ingles despues español I had never though that wanting to wear my natural hair would be an every day battle. There is not a single day I’m not asked When are you going to braid your hair? Why you don’t braid it?. I had heard multiple time “it looks ugly like that”,...

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Trazas de pensamientos mañaneros

Paula Medina


January 14th 2018 Today we don’t have Wolof class in the morning. So I take the path to the outskirts of my town, what I call the forest. I walk exchanging some ¨Salammalekum¨, I open my eyes to the beauty of the baobabs and I discover a new small town surrounded by peace and calmness....

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