Archives: Fellow Updates

Naka laa tudd? Call me Moustapha.

Gus Ruchman


When I wake up in the morning the first sound I hear is the comforting hum of the fan, my indestructible line of defense against mosquitos and sweat baths at night, as long as the power is on. Next my ears tune to the roosters next door that act as the alarm clock I cannot...

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First Taste of Brasil

Meg Healy


After roughly 28 hours of traveling we arrived in Salvador and immediately began to soak up our surroundings. We sat down for dinner at a few plastic tables situated in the middle of a street, but before we could order we were engulfed by a political parade. I honestly thought that the stories about Brazilian...

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Liza David


On Saturday I did something a little different than usual- I went to Church. Well actually, I went to many Churches. But the most interesting and perhaps the most ironic part of the experience was that none of us (my host mother, my host sister and me) believe in the Catholic Doctrine—but I will get...

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Shake it Out

Amanda Brinegar


We stepped off the plane into the dark. Our feet fell on rocky asphalt rather than cushy airport carpet. African impression: dark and rough. Although I have been here for almost a week, I haven’t found my way out of the dark. Yes, the sun has come up, but it radiates over an unfamiliar land....

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Toni White


Imagine: Them: “Oi, qual é o seu nome?” Me: “ Huh”, “Nome?” Them: “Qual é o seu nome?” Me: “Toni” Pause Them: “Quais são algumas coisas que você gosta?” Me:  I dont understand what she is saying “ I dont speak Portuguege.” Them: “Quais são algumas coisas que você gosta de comer?” Me: What is...

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There’s Something So Strange About Eyes

Lily Shaffer


There’s something so peculiar about eye contact with strangers.  I’m the type of person who smiles at everyone I pass on the street.  I learned very quickly that I can’t do that here in Quito.  Perhaps it’s because I’m so blatantly a foreigner, or perhaps it’s just not the culture.  But smiling at a stranger...

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Cosas de la Vida

Caroline Pocock


Every morning I wake up to the familiar ring of my alarm clock, instinctively reach to turn it off, and open my eyes gradually, adjusting to the sunlight glaring at me through my window. As I become oriented with my surroundings-the painfully bright green walls, the stuffed dog on top of my shelves of clothes,...

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