5 Second Claim to Fame

One of the positive things about being young is a sense of reckless confidence that allows one to do some pretty wacky and amazing things.  It is the same type of energy that carries us through our gap years, and makes us think it is possible to come out alive on the other side.
So when Shannon, Shannon and myself found out that NasDaily (a guy that produces amazing travel content in videos that are 1 minute or less), we jumped on the chance to meet him and be a part of the video.  After several near death experiences and hours later, we got to be shown in maybe 14 seconds of footage, lol.  It was well worth it and the video is really cool.
at 0:24 seconds in you can see me shaking with excitement because I had just find out that I was accepted into American University and their Global Scholars Program.
[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/iUhb9_yd91M’]
When I first came to Senegal, I had some pretty lofty aspirations. I wanted to star in a Booba (my favorite French rapper) music video, and have a small role on a soap opera.  While I still have yet to find my way into the music video or acting industry, I have made my way onto television right here in my community, actually talking about real issues and my passions with some incredible friends and colleagues. Funny how life works itself out.
[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/uZzCSRp_vlk’]