Blog #2
We arrived in Brazil on Sunday – all 36 of us safe and sound. Whoop whoop!
Here are some photos:
1. This is from Thursday night – some UWC folk casually lounging around. Shout out to Piero on the guitar! <3
2. This is one of the first photos I took in Brazil. It was taken from the patio of our hotel room. We played in the waves for close to an hour. It was so beautiful – exactly how I'd hoped to spend my first afternoon in Brazil.
3. This is from the front of the hotel. You can kind of see the outlines of the mountains behind the fog. I was very excited after I took this photo because it was one of my first long exposure shots that didn't turn out blurry. 🙂
Significant Portuguese phrases I have learned:
1.Corpo de bombeiros militar – "military fire department"
– fun fact: Brazilian lifeguards are members of the military
2. Caipira – "hick"
– I guess rednecks are everywhere eh?
3. Como eu falo isso? – "how do I say that?"
– I use this one a lot.
Thanks for reading!