
I’ve counted down the days, or more like hours now, until the big arrival into a new country. A new country filled with new gestures, new foods, and new dreams, and somewhere in the midst of all that change, hopefully a newly well-rounded Isaac Lee King.

I have held onto this dream of venturing out and experiencing these differences since childhood. However, now I feel that I am finally taking my life into my own hands and standing tall as a young man determined to leave this world a little better than how I found it.  I’m excited to have this opportunity to go abroad to this foreign country to meet and build long lasting relationships with people from a new culture. However, as the hours shrink into minutes, I find myself becoming more fearful of the unknown.

It’s weird to know that I have wanted the opportunity to be involved with a program like this for so long, but lately, I have been starting to second guess myself. Like, Is this the right move for my life? Should I have entered straight into college?  or more like, Am I truly what Global Citizen Year is looking for? I wanted to know if my life would truly make a difference in this world. I’ve decided I can’t answer those questions at the moment; I believe I need to jump into this experience and into this life without searching for the unknown… to just live life to the fullest.

I’m so stoked to see myself mature and enhance in this new space.  I am truly blessed by God to have this opportunity to do something which I love. I would also like to thank Global Citizen Year for investing in me and my future.  Also to my friends and family, for without you, this dream I once had could not be a reality at this moment.  I ask whomever is reading this blog of mine to subscribe and join me on this life altering journey through my pains,  fears,  joys,  tears, and laughter.  I hope everyone took a long look at this boy that is leaving for a year because when he returns he won’t be the same!