Archives: Fellow Updates

Do you like extreme sports? Come to India then!

Gema Benavides Jimenez


Adrenaline. A hormone we produce whenever we are nervous or stressed. A hormone that stimulates the release of dopamine in our nervous system, that is to say, it contributes to the release of a substance that causes a feeling of wellbeing. So I guess, that is why some people really enjoy doing extreme sports– to...

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Learning By Letting Go

Jack Swartzentruber


It’s been nearly one hundred days since I’ve been living in India, and I find that the more time I spend here the harder it is for me to write about it. I think there are a couple reasons for this, but it primarily stems from the fact that every time I think I’ve gained...

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Chapter 8: My November Christmas

Xandra Coleman


Brisk knocks on my door awoke me. I agonizingly rolled over to see it was only 7:47 am on a Saturday morning. At the sound of another series of sharp knocks, I rolled out of bed, opened my door, and went to go draw water to wash the coffee cups for breakfast. Sitting on the...

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Todo orden fue siempre una fantasía

Emiliana Reinoso


Spanish/ English Hace un poco más de tres meses que estoy en India. Escribir ha sido difícil, quizás porque después de la intensidad cotidiana, siempre termino el día tirada en mi cama con múltiples pensamientos en mi cabeza. A veces, desearía dejar mi mente en blanco, concentrando el universo en un solo color. Púrpura. La...

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Post Card Diaries

Leonie Tollefson


Aside from teaching and traveling, I’ve kept myself very busy by exploring my new home of Pune! During Diwali break a few weeks ago, I went on a little walk up Parvati Hill with my host family, where I came across some beautiful watercolor postcards of Pune, made by Bhaskar Sagar. They feature the most...

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Talking Out the Trash

Maddi Schink


Exciting news folks … I have a new apprenticeship! After three weeks of unsuccessfully searching for a new opportunity I was interested in pursuing in the nearby city of Cañar, I was feeling frustrated, a little defeated and anxious to have a purpose once again. As someone who is goal-oriented and finds contentment in busy...

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