Archives: Fellow Updates

Starting My New Life in Imbabura

Charles Hill


Hi it is me Chuck again, and I am now living in Ibarra, which is the capital of the Imbabura Province.  I am working at a credit union called Buscando Un Amigo.  I was told that I am going to be talking and helping out with a lot of market vendors, which I have been....

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The Magic of Barks and Bread

Amanda Langan


Every morning I wake up to the sound of dogs barking. Then I hear the blender. After that, there is a light rap on the accordion-like door of my converted office bedroom. My name echoes louder and louder until I realize that my host dad is about to barge in if I don’t make some...

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Mount Pichincha

Cecily Montgomery


The world is an extraordinary place.  Though this statement seems obvious enough, I have realized how often I would forget it as I got caught up in the stresses and hustle and bustle of my life back at home. Meeting the fellows and arriving in Ecuador has brought this message back to me.  The most incredible experience I have had...

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Quito, the capitol of the center of the world

Calvin Ross


My favorite part about Ecuador so far is the way culture shock has affected me. I have a lot of friends around me who have lost their appetite and can’t bring themselves to eat hardly anything. I, on the other hand, don’t remember being nearly as hungry as when I left. So far, my appetite has been insatiable. My...

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Eu Não Sou Cathólica: Faith in Brazil

Libby Parker-Simkin


On Sunday, my Italian-Brazilian host family took me to their church. This story will make more sense if I tell you that I grew up in a Unitarian Universalist congregation and I have attended Catholic church services exactly twice, once for my church’s Neighboring Faiths class, and the other for a good friend’s confirmation ceremony....

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O Barco

Joanna Shieh


Ah the boat! A total of 90 minutes of my day are spent on the boat to get to and from my Portuguese classes in Lagoa de Conçeicão. It is during these 90 minutes where I learn the most about the country I will be living in for the next 8 months, beautiful Brasil. From the outside, this boat appears...

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Training for Vulnerability

Aitran Doan


“Organize logistics for medical brigade, deliver charlas for the community, gather malnutrition statistics, help with administrative duties when necessary….” These are my assigned tasks when I found out I was going to Napo, the main entrance to the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador, two weeks ago. During the elapsed time as I underwent further language and cultural training to prepare...

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