Archives: Fellow Updates


Alexandra Lines


I sit here at the Office of Immigration early in the morning, surrounded by people with blue envelopes filled with their legal documents. I am waiting for a man named Carlos. I barely know him, but he is carrying around my passport and other legal identification. He told me to meet him here at 7...

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Sayre Quevedo


“Cristiano…” the question begins, “Católico…Mormón?” We’re standing beside a mound of trinkets and wallets. In the middle of the square a man blows bubbles with his leathered lips, his face peeking out from the neck of his Barney suit. There is the sound of flutes. There is the cocktail of sweet and flesh, odors rising...

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Madeline Lisaius


The Teleférico is a gondola that carries passengers high above Quito onto the volcano Pichincha where the trail to the summit begins. Although I love the vibrancy of Quito, it has become somewhat suffocating – I am surprised that I wholeheartedly believed that city life was for me – and wanting a small escape from the hustle and bustle, I...

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Madeline Lisaius


When my flight landed at the San Francisco Airport on August 21st, I was really wishing I hadn’t had oatmeal for breakfast. I was planning on avoiding bananas when I got off the muggy plane. Because, as mom says, bananas and oatmeal “slow down the system.” From my experience, change leads to constipation. And since this flight landed me...

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A Glimpse of ICO

Cameron Carrick


I wanted to give all of you followers who I haven’t had a chance to talk to in detail a small behind-the-curtain peek at In Country Orientaion. So, I will sit here and type out a rough daily schedule and sweat. Because it hasn’t rained in two days and Dakars musk has been accumulating warmly....

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With Love, From Dakar

Mouna Algahaithi


A million and one questions circle through my head, As I sweat amidst the humid heat, lying on my stiff bed. With every answer and solution that is found, One more question or doubt is mindbound. How can I be so lost when I’m so sure I’ve found the right path? How can I be...

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