Archives: Fellow Updates

Crème Glace

Michaela Kobsa Mark


I came to Senegal ready to be open to it and love it. And in coming with this attitude, I have come across such pristine and simple beauty. I am enthralled by the liquid ruby crème glace making, the geometric shapes of the grains of rice that I sift my hands through, the way the...

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Stories Change The World

Joe Giallo


“Power is the ability not just to tell a story of another person, but to make it the definitive story of that person.” –Chimamanda Adichie, The Danger of a Single Story I left my former host family, the Montenegros, for two reasons. The first of those two reasons was due to a lack of interaction...

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Maam Awa

Madeleine Balchan


The wrinkles on her face rearrange themselves into a smile as Maam Awa, my 90+-year-old grandmother, extends her hand to greet me. She repeats my last name, Diaw, and I say her’s, Sec. “Did you pass your day in peace?” she asks. “Peace only.” I respond. “Where are the people who live at your house?”...

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Creando una clase de sicología en Zuleta

Omar Arteaga


Al principio cuando pensaba sobre qué era lo que yo quería dejar atrás en mi comunidad de Zuleta, pensé en qué tan efectivo sería construir una clase de sicología. Antes de poner mis palabras y mi plan en acción, tenía que hacerme algunas preguntas a mí mismo. En realidad los estudiantes estuvieran interesados en una...

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El Amor de Mi Madre Zuleteña – My Zuleteña Mother’s Love

Omar Arteaga


A veces me gusta pensar que el amor de mi madre zuleteña es como el viento, no puedo verlo pero lo puedo sentir dentro de mi corazón. Su amor por mí es puro, tierno y un gran recuerdo que siempre cargaré conmigo durante toda mi vida. Tengo que admitir que al principio tenía mucho miedo...

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Making Progress at Jambi Huasi

Alberto Servin


From one of previous blogs, I mentioned that I asked for and got the approval from my supervisor at the medical clinic to craft an outreach program. We were lacking customers so I thought of ways of letting folks know about our services. So far, I’ve made progress in my apprenticeship project in the last...

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Sounds from a Senegalese Church

Michaela Kobsa Mark


The Joal choir meets two to three times a week to sing with the tam tams and electric guitar. I used to be part of the choir, however as it conflicts with the time I have to be at my apprenticeship I had to give it up. However, I can always enjoy the lovely music...

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