My new life, in pictures
Liza David
Take a look at a photo essay I put together introducing my new life in Ecuador: [slidepress gallery=’liza-david-1st-slideshow’] Note: Move your mouse over each photo to see the captions!
Read More2010-11-24
Take a look at a photo essay I put together introducing my new life in Ecuador: [slidepress gallery=’liza-david-1st-slideshow’] Note: Move your mouse over each photo to see the captions!
Read More2010-11-22
As I close out the month of October I will try to summarize all that I have done and experienced during my first four weeks in Senegal. My month in Dakar was loaded with cultural excursions, many language challenges and the occasional conversational victory. So, here’s my list: Received around 125 hours of language training...
Read More2010-11-22
I’m in the dark. Neither of my two “moms” speak French. My Wolof is improving drastically but I feel I’m always in the darkness that descends on Leona, our village, at eight when the sun sets. A car ran into an electrical pole in Potou, so we were without power for 36 hours. At 9PM...
Read More2010-11-22
As the details of our and homestays had yet to be finalized, I and theother six remaining Fellows moved into a hostel-style apartment just outside the Pelourinho area of Salvador. As harsh as it sounds the main point of this was really just to give time. We were still having trouble wrapping our American minds...
Read More2010-11-22
As many of you are likely aware, I have a rather… interesting sense of humor, which I share with the world at any given opportunity. I have a passion and, if I do say so myself, talent for puns and wordplay that you won’t really find anywhere else. If I’d had my choice of talents in life, I wouldn’t...
Read More2010-11-21
Celenilda is my family’s housekeeper. She is 18 years old and sleeps in a tiny room off of the kitchen that doubles as a food pantry. There is a bunk bed and she sleeps on the bottom because the top is stacked high with boxes of natural granola cupuacu and cacao products. Until very recently...
Read More2010-11-21
I was recently invited to go to the mall with Laura’s host-sister and several of her 15-year old friends. I eagerly accepted their invitation because I had not yet had the opportunity to spend time with Brazilians close to my age and learn about Brazilian pop culture. I’ve never been a mall person, but disregarded...
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