Archives: Fellow Updates

Brown and Bold

Ashley Trejo


I can recall my early preschool and kindergarten days where I would spend countless hours (probably minutes) drawing and coloring to my heart’s content. I was not one of the children that would paint the sky green as the sky is blue or cloud anything other than shades of white and gray. That was not...

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Inca Kola

Tiarnan Ferry


Throughout my time in Ecuador, one interesting product I took a liking to was Inca Kola. This yellow Peruvian soda is not sold in the United States of course, but can be found in almost every Ecuadorian streetside store. The flavor is intriguingly bubblegummy (which I love), however many Ecuadorians I spoke to felt otherwise....

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Avry Richter


Water. Uncontrollable and flawlessly wild. The substance that binds our bodies and quenches our throats. This precious and invaluable resource has unspeakable power. This value is ever present and largely known. I must pay homage to a body of flowing water that kept me sane, that kept me loved, and reminded me that I too...

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Gauri Vaishali Fuerez Navarrete

Surabhee Arjunwadkar


When I came to Ecuador, I had certain assumptions about how my life would look like. I didn’t know anything about anything and this is one of the things I had not expected. At all. During my second month with my host family, I found out that my 17-year-old host sister, Lesly, was pregnant. I...

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Falling in Love

Julia Salomone


It was the beginning of January and I still wore fear like a scarf around my neck. I was grappling with it – truly! The week before I had even eaten a new type of pastel my friends had been begging me to try. I came to Brazil very afraid of the world around me...

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Are you taking a gap year?



For everyone thinking about taking a gap year in a foreign country: If you are taking a gap year make sure your baggage is full of expectations. So then you can break them along with all prejudices built by single stories. Only then you will start being surprised rather than only expecting. A gap year...

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India Unexpected

Leonie Tollefson


India has been full of surprises this year, especially since I tried to have no expectations going into it. I have now been back in my home, Madison, WI, for a few days and I’ve been reflecting on what things shocked me most about India. I wrote this little list up before I left India,...

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