Receitas do Brasil (Recipes from Brazil)

For my Final Community Project in Brazil, I did a few things to look deeper into an issue that had been prominent in my year: food and nutrition. The food at my homestay was very different from what I was used to eating, and I became concerned about my diet. To explore this issue, I reached out to a new school in my community, and expressed interest in helping to create a healthy cooking program for the kids. They were very receptive, and once the school year started, I began to help teach cooking classes once a week (for about 6-7 weeks). We used recipes provided by parents of the children; all use substitutions to make the recipes slightly healthier (ex: using dried fruits instead of sugar; etc).
With the pictures and recipes, I made a little "cookbook"  – with the recipes in Portuguese and English. I shared it with the school, as well as my friends and family back home. Feel free to share it with your friends and family!
Here is the link:
This project was really fun for me – I had so much fun with the kids (when the food was in the oven, the kids would drag me to the trampoline so I could "super jump" and try to make them lose balance, as well as lots of races and little games!). Another unexpected benefit from the project is that it really became a *community* project. My neighborhood wasn't the most exciting, so I would almost always go elsewhere to find things to do. With this school, I got to explore new routes to the school, and thus, see more of my neighborhood.
Sneak peak of the cookbook:
recipe book.PNG

Thanks for reading!