This! Is! Surreal!
I feel like I've been waiting for this moment for so long. I've known I've wanted to go back to Senegal ever since living there, but I never anticipated the opportunity coming this soon.
It's been mad stressful, as the leaving date has gotten closer. It's spurred a lot of fears, and doubts. Saying goodbye to everyone I love, it left my heart a little bruised haha. And just wrapping my head around what's happening, it's difficult at times. But I'm so proud of myself, for pursuing this. I know that I'm gonna be so happy, it makes me so excited for my future. Man I'm gonna grow so much! Eat so many new foods! Hear so much beautiful music! Meet so many beautiful people!
I feel at peace with myself, and the world around me. I can't wait to witness my own progression throughout these next eight months. I am so! so! excited!
I also wanted to say thank you, to everyone who's been so supportive of me?? I really couldn't be more thankful, it makes me so happy. I love you all <33