Three Months Fifteen Days


The Sunsets are the Same

The sun rises

From the east

And sets in the west

Carpobrotus edulis Adenium obesum

Verbenas and ‘Alice du Pont’ Mandevilla

Different but the same rise and set of swirls

Verbenas and ‘Alice du Pont’ Mandevilla

Carpobrotus edulis Adenium obesum

And sets in the west

From the east

The sun rises

The sunrises are the same

On rooftops in Senegal

Carpobrotus awaits

Adenium stretch

Relish the breeze

As dark becomes light

Gloriosa superba sneaks

In its nourishment a fierce blaze

Live grow prosper

The sunsets are the same

At windows in New York

Verbenas prepare

Mandevilla settle

Dream of tomorrow

As light becomes dark

Coreopsis lanceolata retreats

Wisping away longingly

For tomorrow

Live grow prosper

The same

The sunrises are the same

The sunsets are the same