What Have I Gotten My Self Into?

Welcome to my first blog post!
I just want to address the fact that I have absolutely no idea what to share at this point 😅. The last three weeks have truly been a blur. I have had to pack up my life and put it in a bag, I have had to see family left and right in order to make sure I get to say goodbye to everyone, and I have had to come to terms with the FOMO that I have already started to feel while still being at home.
But really for me none of that really has mattered all that much because I have started to realize that I am not saying goodbye to anyone. All I am doing is saying see you later and that realization has really helped me feel comfortable and confident going into this   next chapter of my life. 
Ohhh yea and here is a GIF that I believe captures my emotions up to this point… ENJOY!!!Image result for gasp in spanish gif