Where’s Carlos been?

Hey friends!

I was talking to a close friend of mine the other day and suddenly he asked “Wait, I know you’ve been in Brazil for more than four months already, but why? What are you doing there?”

We’ve been friends for over four years and we’re constantly in touch, however he had no idea as to what had been going on with my life in Brazil. And he was right! I barely share anything on social media and of course that makes it harder for my friends to completely understand what I’ve been up to. So in the next weeks I will be sharing some highlights of my experience in Brazil.

One of the most memorable experiences so far was taking part of a two-day event called Festival Social Good Brasil. I was invited through my apprenticeship and I participated in workshops about the use of data for social impact. This event brought together social entrepreneurs from Brazil and around the world. They talked about how technology can be used to face contemporary social problems.

Event opening

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