The fight against malaria, as with AIDS and tuberculosis, is a multilateral war of attrition. Education of doctors and patients alike, accessibility of preventative measures, and medicines, tests, and infrastructures that comprise treatment systems are forming a defensive web against a disease with as many social as medical implications.
Though there is a long way to go and many obstacles to overcome before one of the world’s most infamous diseases is eradicated, much progress has been made. Governments across the world, NGOs including Malaria No More, and private citizens such as the dedicated medical workers of the Sangalkam rural community are working together, and the results from the past few years alone are reason for hope.
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Please enjoy the following photographic glimpses of the effort to xeex sibbiru, Wolof for “fight malaria,” as well as a video created by several other GCY Senegal Fellows of our participation in the Malaria No More walk in Dakar last Sunday.