Is the number one challenge I have had to overcome over my past couple weeks in Ecuador. It seems everyone speaks Spanish but me. It makes life difficult because I only speak English and maybe three words of Spanish. So when being told I will learn to speak Spanish and thrive is almost incomprehensible at this point. I am determined though and am working to connect with my host mom and dad and of course my siblings. It becomes hard to make that special connection that I so badly want to make with them. My host mom over past couple days has said it will happen little by little “poco a poco”. I know she is right and I am thankful for her patience with my language struggles. When the day comes when I can say to my brother and sister, ” I am leaving today but I will be with you in my heart always”, then I will know that I thrived and made a connection with people. Maybe not speaking Spanish in the beginning will give me a deep connection because all I can do is listen and learn.
Yo no hablo Español
About Allison Vaught
Allison Vaught is about passionate helping children in need I plan to be teacher with special needs children I also enjoy traveling and I have been on a fitness kick. Issues that are important to me include Women's Rights. Another issue is Animal Cruelty in todays world animals are neglected and suffer from domestic abuse, I grew up having cats and believe that animals deserve the care and love that we give them. Goals for myself to finish high school on a good note, another goal is to travel the world I want to see what the world has to offer me and seeing the unknown. Going to college and getting my degree in Education, my dream school at the time is Southern Oregon University in Ashland Oregon. One of my favorite quotes is a quote by Walt Disney " The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing" this quote has always spoken to me, and saying that if you want something you have to get up and work for it.