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author avatar

William Shain

Will is passionate about Environmental Sustainability. Throughout his high school career Will was involved in his school's Environmental Club, the Challenge Success movement, and restorative justice campaigns. His goals for the year are to play soccer with his community, better grasp the Spanish language, and experience something new everyday. My favorite quote could definitely be applied to my participation in Global Citizen Year. "To each their own" is one of the most interesting sentences in this language for me, as I genuinely believe everyone has a different path that they are both destined for and will venture on. I can't wait to see where the 2019 Cohort takes us!


¿Conscious Consumption?

William Shain


What did you eat for breakfast this morning? How many of the products in your meal could you have driven to with a tank of gas and harvested yourself? I’m going to be presumptuous and assume few if any of the products were grown close to you. I’m also going to assume that not only...

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Responsible Storytelling

William Shain


“Expectation vs reality” is one of the most iconic GCY catchphrases, on par with “you get the year you need, not the year you want,” “curiosity before judgment,” and “discovering a world ahead.” Yet I find that the more I experience here in Ecuador, the more I identify with the meaning behind the phrase “expectation...

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A White Man’s Perspective: Something You Have Already Heard Before

William Shain


Not every part of this journey is amazing. Many parts are unforgettable, but that’s not always a good thing. The picture above is from a park in Ibarra, the hub city for fellows in my area. Walking through on my way to lunch, I was caught dead in my tracks. At first, I searched for...

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William Shain


This is the wisdom that I have gained in my short time here in Ecuador. Though pickup trucks and small cars make up more than 80% of the automobiles that you see on the road, giant 40+ person buses dominate the paths as they hurdle past town after town, always en route to the next...

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The Eating Habits of the Pineda Family

William Shain


Yesterday I watched three guinea pigs go from squirming little fellas in a box to a delicacy on my plate. Did I think this would be how my Thursday night would be going? Of course not. But turns out “cuy”, as the dish is referred to in Ecuador, is pretty delicious! Pro tip however: Don’t...

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A year behind or actually ahead?

William Shain


Who says you need to follow the beaten path? There’s a reason that the trail is so worn down and its because today’s young adults are ushered blindly in a direction of college and a subsequent career, without ever questioning what is it that I really want to do? Though I could have easily started...

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