Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Who do you want to become?


After receiving answers like “teacher,” “nurse,” and “soldier,” Mr. Sall turned to me and asked, “What do you want to become in the future?” As I looked out at the classroom full of 13 year old students, my mind flickered to the list of college majors I’ve been poring over, diligently noting which pre-requisite and...

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A Change in Seasons


Since the beginning of my homestay in Ibel the landscape around me has shifted and changed almost every week. In this video I sought to capture a brief glimpse the beauty of both the rainy season, dry season, and the transition between the two.  https://vimeo.com/151280174

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Senegal 2016 Fellows Video


A video of appreciation for my fellow fellows, it wouldn't be the same without them.  https://vimeo.com/151225163

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A Day in the Life


Mid-December:   My dream fades and I am aware I am laying down, tangled up in sheets and wrap skirts; the morning has arrived. A silver light frames my closed window and a soft breeze sneaks beneath my door and ripples the curtain. I adjust the sweatshirt that serves as my pillow and wonder at the time, could I close...

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Looking Back, Thinking Forward


Sometimes I like to think back to what I was doing this time a year ago. This time last year I was starting my second semester of my senior year and gearing up for a rocky college process, that would leave me hopeless with dwindling confidence. After I got told I wasn’t good enough to...

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The Jewel of India


In 1631, after giving birth to her 14th child, Mughul Empress Mumtaz Mahal called her husband to her death bed.  Her last words were pleads to the Emperor Shah Jahan.  First, he must never remarry.  Second, he must raise their children like a father, not as a king.  And third, he must build her a tomb so magnificent, the whole...

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A Love Letter


Dear Ecuador, Four short months ago, I was a young traveler trying to find my calling. I’ll admit I was overwhelmed the first time we met. Your difference in lifestyle, motion and language challenged my ideal thoughts. You pushed me to stretch my comfort zone, by making sure I had to ride three buses to...

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Mantras, self reflection, rice and cows


The past four months have changed me. Wow I think we are all cringing at the cliche. But it’s true. Bummer. I’m not a drastically different person — actually I think I’m just more me. I’ve changed in little ways: I’m more patient, grateful, and empathetic; I’m not shy about speaking up about something I...

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Trying to Envision the Future


In September, we were told to make a “vision statement”. Basically, at the end of these eight months abraod, what we hope to have accomplished. Knowing that I am perfectly imperfect human being, I may not fully accomplish all of the following visions. However, seeing that it is New Years, I can’t see a better...

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The People I Meet


When I was applying to college last year, I remember UNC Chapel Hill had a prompt about micro-moments of human connection.  Bummer that this isn’t a prompt this year, because damn could I write a good essay. My time in Ecuador is a non-stop learning experience.  A lot of my learning is done on my...

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New Year Resolutions


January is approaching. Four months have gone by, and I only have three months left. Three, very short months that I should be taking advantage of. But the past two weeks, I’ve desperately been trying to stay present. My mind has only focused on my upcoming travels to explore other areas of Brazil. After booking...

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Congratulations Parinitha & Vikram


You are both so lovely, and I wish you all the best. Thank you for having me at your wedding. ​    

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