Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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LGBTQIA+ voice blog


The Language in the city      

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My Addiction, My Challenge, My Recovery (for Mac users)


This version should be compatible with all computers! I gave this speak up at TS1. It was completely unplanned and unrehearsed. It may be a bit shocking for some, sad for others, but please listen.  Thank you.  Peace be with you all.  TS1-Speak-Up.mp3

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My Addiction, My Challenge, My Recovery


I gave this speech up at TS1. It was completely unplanned and unrehearsed. It may be a bit shocking for some, sad for others, but please listen. Thank you. Peace be with you all.  

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Campo Life Exposed


Everyone knows everyone The myth about rice is true..three times a day Cafe and Pan is the best pre-game meal There is always a fiesta going on All the cars are stick shift Zhumia for Ecuadorians is like Vodka for Russians Lime juice can and will be put on anything Anything can be hand washed...

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3 Months in Ecuador


Hi friends and family and anyone else reading this blog! I have now been in Ecuador for exactly three months. Sorry I’ve been a little slow at posting an actual blog about being in Ecuador. There’s no way I can catch you up on everything that’s happened, but I’ll let you know where I’m a...

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Flash (Non)Fiction: Ecuadorian “Shorts”


  If you’re on Team Swiss when it comes to the world’s finest chocolate, I’m not sure who’s coaching; Ecuadorian chocolate is heavenly. That is, the indigenous brands whose product is harvested on native soil and sealed into bars worth precisely one dollar and sixty-seven cents.   Monday afternoon found me in pursuit of exactly that.  I was walking...

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Grandma’s Apple Pie


I made Thanksgiving dinner for my host family last night.  The odds were against me, but it actually turned out pretty well.  In addition to green beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy (all vegetarian), I also made pie.  2 pies, in fact: chocolate pie with oreo crust and my Grandmother’s Apple Pie.  I started on...

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Why India’s Crazy. And the Rest of the World is Worse.


I’m walking down the street in the process of running away from school for a year. The street is like any other street in Pune, India. Filled with motorcycles, rickshaws, 3 cows, and a guy called Jai who decided that this is the perfect day for a mid afternoon stroll with a complete lack of clothing. You go Glen...

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  Seva – a service which is performed without any expectations of result or award for the person performing it   This November, the Global Citizen Year team joined Teach for India to Ahmedabad for their mid-year retreat. One of the events here was an evening dedicated to seva. We could choose between many different activities, like visiting a...

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A jaraama!


November 18 In the United States, if I’m walking my dog on the street, I may say hello to a few neighbors I know, but for the most part I’ll nod, smile, but most likely I’ll say nothing at all. That would be quite an unusual site here in Senegal. The greeting culture here is...

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Endless Summer


October 31 I remember sitting and reading the blog of a new Peace Corps volunteer in Senegal. She expressed something along the lines of, “I know I’ve only been here a few months, but it already feels like home.” At the time, this didn’t comfort me. It made me more anxious. I was so nervous to go that I...

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Blog 2: The King Drinks Too Much


The King Drinks Too Much   Tonight ants may dance between His toes Unlikely as it is that they could depose Do they not know, that it matters no more For the King drinks on the morrow Hummus and veggies and cranberry juice Laying gently on gilded platters as though trying to seduce And those...

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