Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Second blog post


Into the blue My title perfectly describes my life right now. Diving deep into the blue of uncertainty, of curiosity, of my unwillingness to give up adventure. Yes i drowned at first, I will not lie. My first week with my family was absolutely awful. I was drowning in loneliness, homesickness, fears, uncertainty. I spent...

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Me llamo


I have struggled posting this blog because I find it difficult to accurately display everything that goes on in my life on a day to day basis. But as I adapt to my new life, this podcast accurately depicts some of my many thoughts and challenges. (Photo is of one of my weekend ballet classes...

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I am not the same person who left the United States


I am not who I once was, and I will never be that person again. I am not sure who I will become, but whoever that is, I know that it is who I want to be. Who I have wanted to be for a long time. I have never felt so different. I have...

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The Pink Mirror


In the Kedougou region of Senegal, in the neighborhood of Lawol Tamba in Kedougou City, in my hut in my host family’s compound, hangs a pink mirror. It’s small, no bigger than an ordinary paperback book, and it hangs at just the right height that if I turn towards it as I walk out of...

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Two months down..Six to go


Two Months down..Six to go 7:15 A.M. I rose from my warm bed to greet the cold and I slowly slipped on my very, handy dandy, flip flops, as I make my way downstairs for breakfast.   Breakfast Menu: Black coffee with sugar Rice An Egg or sausage 7:45 A.M.     I waddle my...

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The Eternal Rain


        My presence and my ideas are insignificant to the rain. The furious dark grey clouds release a habitual substance from their clutches. It builds and builds until the weighing pressure suffocates the land below. The land, teeming with life, hides. Life stops, if only for a few waning hours. The rain...

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Saudades de Outorno


Currently, I’m sitting at a bus stop on the wrong side of the street in the pouring rain dreaming of the crisp autumn air, colorful landscapes, apple and/or pumpkin everything at home in Connecticut. Well, most of those things are true… I am sitting at a covered wooden bus stop (which happens to be adorned...

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Where I’ll Be


Over a month ago we made first drafts of “Vision Stands,” describing where we hope to be at the end of our Global Citizen Year experience. I’ve had some technical difficulties with posting, hence this being so late, and my opinions on some of these things have changed in the meantime, but I thought I’d...

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Doubt Kills


I feel like I somewhat always knew there was an option besides going to college or working straight out of high school. I just didn’t know what answer I was looking for. I could see myself going to a university, but I didn’t really like the person I saw myself envisioning in college. Well here...

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Mindfulness, Happiness, and Gratitude, oh my!


Have you ever been so happy you just wanted to RUN!?  Because that’s how I felt after teaching my first English class on Thursday. I’ve now been in Pamar Chacrin for one month, and I am still constantly surprised at the small things that make me happy.  In trying to figure out what exactly it...

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“So What Do You, Like, Do Everyday?


I start my day at about 5:45 a.m. with a flick of my light switch from either my brother or dad. The house rings with enough noise to force you to get out of your already sweltering hot bed. I walk zombie like across the hall to the bathroom I share with my sister. And...

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Step One


Here’s a very late post that was meant for right after PDT! I’m currently a few thousand miles up in the air, somewhere between San Francisco and Houston, and I can’t seem to settle on any one emotion. I’m excited, I’m nervous, I’m sad, I’m happy, and I’m absolutely terrified. I’m sad to leave all...

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