Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Let’s ketchup.


    Alright, so what the heck have I been up to?! Well, it’s officially been a good 45 days since I’ve arrived in Brazil and holy cow I still can’t believe it! A pond arrival we landed in Sao Pablo just to flight over to Curitiba. The first week was just so perfect; we stayed...

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Etapas Brasilerias do Bebê


“You are babies,   in the first week you are observing so to understand,  in the second week you are taking your first steps,  and in the third week you will say your first words”  – Marcos, host father of Maria in Curitiba.   On my third day in Brazil, I travelled in three overcrowded buses for two hours, and I was frustrated. I was frustrated because I...

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An E-Mail To A Homie


A e-mail conversation stirred up between an amiga from back home and I, she asked me how Ecuador’s been. I wrote a quick little sum up of my time here-not sure why but felt like sharing it! Love this kid I sent it too by the way. Memorandum: UC Applications are due November 30th-so basically...

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Still watering that grass….. “The grass isn’t always greener on the other side but it is where you water it” team leader Mika gave us this quote in ICO (In country orientation) I feel a little conflicted by this quote because I know the grass is greener on the other side. I know because I...

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Dear Future Fellow,


Let me just start out by saying, “Congratulations! You’ve already taken a giant leap just by thinking about taking a bridge year!” The fact you’re interested and pursuing possibly a different pathway mean’s that you’re ready.     Senior year is a crazy one for sure. When I first heard about Global Citizen Year, I...

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My Urban Playground


My urban playground is rarely still, only resting to be fixed and filled. My urban playground is blue, usually, with words scrolling across its semi-human forehead. My urban playground has only a jungle gym, no swings; every crack, corner and crevice built to be lurched. My urban playground has three names and three sets of three...

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The ants will bite you


For those who have very little idea what I’m doing and need an explanation, I’ve written a brief one on my Quora blog that details what has happened up to Immersion Week [ https://ieatpants.quora.com/what-i%C2%B4m-doing ]. If you’re already familiar and need not be bothered with an explanation, proceed.   I have now been in my permanent homestay in the provincia de...

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  Participating in a bridge year in a foreign country screams bravery. Despite my outward appearance, very often being brave is a struggle for me. Although, I am still thrilled to be a part of this immersion experience every day, it takes courage to get out of bed and go to breakfast with the eagerness...

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ON APPRECIATION: Where I Come From and Where I Am Now


My grandmother is a small, cute asian lady who has creases around her eyes that only grow deeper when she laughs and smiles. Her english is not too well, and I often receive lectures from her in her native language. Embarrassingly enough, I don’t always understand what she is saying and get tired of the...

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This Is Life


I wrote this poem during our last week of ICO. I don't know how to preface it, but I hope you'll enjoy. I also haven't listened to the recording so it will be a surprise for all parties. Peace be with you all. This-Is-Life.m4a

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This is Life- Transcript


Forgive me- I changed a few words in the reading There will come a time in your life when the world around you seems to crumble and fall. The sky will crack, and in the minute before it breaks, and tumbles down on your head like a million shards of blue-stained glass speckled with grey, you will hear...

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The Atheist Goes to Church


When I first had the idea to write this blog, I actually started with this title. I debated about titling it “Take Me [An Atheist] to Church” in honor of Hozier, but I didn’t think many people would get it. And, whereas this title is not meant to diminish the meaning of religion, nor is...

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