Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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What to do in Florianópolis


1-  BEACHES Since Florianópolis is an island, it has more than 40 beaches, each one more beautiful than the other. Challenge yourself to get to know all of the beaches on this magnificent island. There are beaches with huge waves like Joaquina, Mole, Morro das Pedras, etc and then there are some with almost no waves...

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A Jumble of Thoughts


It’s been a little over a month since I’ve been back from Ecuador. I found the process re-entering much harder than going in country-like most fellows-but I still feel strange. I don’t feel like I’m home. There is something I have not yet disclosed. My upbringing consisted of my family moving around a lot. The...

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Capstone Reflection


  There are some moments in my life where I imagine that the moment I am living is something out of a movie. That moments are sequenced together and intense emotional music constantly plays in the background, as if to remind me about how I am supposed to feel. This typically happens when I’m saying goodbye...

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Letter 4 Yessi from Yessi


Dear Yesenia,    By the time you’re reading this letter, I hope that you’re the best version of you (so far). I hope that the months you experienced in Ecuador have open your mind and eyes in a way that has allowed you to retain a clearer vision of what your mission is in the...

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Letter 4 Yessi from Yessi


  Corazón que es lo único que tengo. Un corazón lleno de amor, que quiere compartir con toda la familia de la tierra. La gente, los animales, toda la naturaleza, el cielo, los planetas… pulsamos al mismo ritmo. Somos uno, somos una armonía. Ahora, toca planificar, construir, y armonizar para que vivamos en paz. Que...

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Who’s Story is it??


Wait.. They invited the whole school?! When I made plans to present about my year abroad to my old elementary school I thought I would be presenting to my brother’s small Spanish Class. As it turns out, the whole school was invited.  In addition to that, I ended up walking into the classroom and realizing...

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Capstone Reflection


Just two days after returning home to North Carolina, I went with Elizabeth (Ecuador '18) and Wyatt (Senegal '18) to Wyatt's alma mater, East Chapel Hill High School. We spent the day giving presentations about our different and shared experiences with Global Citizen year. Most of the students to whom we presented are rising seniors,...

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Capstone: Tying up Loose Ends


https://youtu.be/M6V9ZcIizHI Above is my Global Citizen Year capstone video where I show a little piece of my long, but too short, experience abroad in Florianopolis. My video-making skills obviously need some work, but when I think back on my 8 months in Brazil I will now have a little video that captivates a small component...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 20


The Last 30 Days (Day 20): March 26, 2018Today I gave Erick his birthday punches, had to explain the seriousness of some of English’s swear words, played Mission Impossible with my host siblings, and got nearly nothing done in terms of packing. Memory of the Day: Showing my siblings my senior year marching band video....

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 19


The Last 30 Days (Day 19): March 25, 2018Today I got locked in the house (again) and went to the GCY going away party with my host aunt. Memory of the Day: I got to hold Alex’s ~3 year old host brother (whom I call “mi novio” [my boyfriend]) and he reached down my shirt...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 18


The Last 30 Days (Day 18): March 24, 2018Today I dumped my suitcases to start packing, watched some awesome Youtube videos (video featured linked below), and went to a baptism party.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_UTfgUdZqo&t=6sFeatured Video: "Get Out – A New Perspective in Horror" by Lessons from the Screenplay (awesome channel btw): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJLHs…Memory of the Day: The cutest kitten...

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TLTD Vlogs: Day 17


The Last 30 Days (Day 17): March 23, 2018Today I set up my Final Community Project and had my last crocheting class. That's basically it. It took all day and when I got home I was down for the count.Memory of the Day: The feeling of accomplishment when I finished organizing everything. That and finally...

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