Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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My Family’s Story


Hello everyone! Welcome to my first blog of the year! Thanks so much for subscribing, I hope you enjoy reading my posts and learning about Ecuador.  My blog will be centered around the stories of others, I plan to interview people I meet in Ecuador to learn about their lives and experiences and share them...

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First Day of Kindergarten


As the starting date for Global Citizen draws ever closer I can’t help feeling like a little kid about to start the first day of school. Those familiar excited shivers fueled by optimism now run through me. Just like the night before kindergarten, I’m excited about the unknown potential filled future and though I’m not...

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Finally Here!!


It seems like years ago I applied to and got accepted by Global Citizen Year (GCY). When I got in I felt like  everything was falling into place. About two years ago my parents told my siblings and me that they would treat each of us to a trip. My brother and sister both went...

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3,548 miles


August 27th. I’m not going to lie, this date has been giving me many tears and butterflies for the past couple of months. With only a few days it is hard to put my feeling into words. For eighteen years I’ve lived in the same small town, Laguna Beach. Some call it a bubble in...

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What are the TOP 10 things I should pack in my carry-on?


Welcome to my first blog post! I leave today on the first of many post-high school adventures.  I will be living at Stanford for the next 6 days attending the Global Citizen Pre-Departure Training. In one week, I fly to Quito and will be living with a temporary host family for three weeks.  We will...

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Why I applied to Global Citizen Year


Have you ever wondered why we have different countries? Have you ever wondered if the concept of countries further segregate us? Have you ever felt the need to be totally new somewhere so you can spend time thinking and doing what you truly love? Have you ever felt the urge to go and help people...

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An Open Letter to Myself


August 26, 2017 New York, NY Dear Toluwani, In just ONE DAY you leave for the greatest adventure in your lifetime. You’ll walk into the airport, with just a carry-on suitcase and backpack in tow, with your mother by your side, print your ticket, cross through TSA and then, BOOM. You’ll be alone, with so...

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7 Crazy Things Everyone Needs to Know Before Being an Adult Preschooler


  Like every 4 year old, I remember the first day of preschool: never letting go of my parent’s leg, crying in hopes they could stay, and wishing I could just go back to a place I found familiar. I also stepped on small legos a lot and that was just the worst.   And...

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On Preconceptions


She grasped a stick of honey in her fingers, carefully, as if handling a precious possession. “Here,” she said. “I want you to have it.” Five years old, she stood in front of me, serious, dark hair brushing her shoulders. She didn’t have that much to spare, her family didn’t have a lot to get...

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The Beginning Of A New Journey


This is it only one day till the first part of my journey. CALIFORNIA!!! There's a series of emotions rolling through my mind. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, and I feel very weird. This all just doesn't seem like a reality. I remember when I applied it seems like it was just yesterday (I know very...

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Just as I was about to lose hope… India!


    In the beginning of senior year, I knew I wanted I did not want to go straight to college. The thought of going straight into another four years of school haunted me. I had heard of people taking Gap years in between high school and college before. I had friends that took Gap years as...

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Pushing my Limits


  Last Monday, my friend convinced me to perform at an open mic night with her. She is one of those friend that always gets me to do things outside of my comfort zone, and this was the latest example of that. We wanted some sort of accompaniment, so she decided that I would play...

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