Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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This Year…in two minutes.


This video is a culmination of some of the things I learned as a Fellow in Ecuador the past eight months; I have been deeply affected by the family, friends, and home that I found there and I hope that this video can show even just a little of what I experienced there.    

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Long Overdue


Enjoy my first video! It touches on the big picture lessons that I took away from my gap year. Feedback appreciated!   South of the Equator

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Beauveria bassiana


For the last month or so I’ve started working exclusively in the microbiology lab here at AACRI, which I absolutely love.  The lab is where we cultivate fungus and bacteria to make organic fertilizers (hence the name ‘organic’ coffee) and treatments for coffee and cacao plants.  We don’t actually grow cacao here, but we sell our products...

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For my last blog I wanted to write on returning to America, saying goodbye to my Global Citizen Year family and being back in the South. Arriving to America was just unbelievable that we were actually back, getting into a car where we actually had to wear seat belts and seeing everything as we were...

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Goodbyes Are Not Forever


When I had first arrived in Ibarra, I thought that it was going to be the longest 7 months of my life and when the time came for me to get ready to leave, all I could think was, “Where did those 7 months go?” Was it really time for me to leave? At that...

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Dollars to development


Microfinance is a word. A very fancy word. And a word I feel most people don’t really understand (even when they claim to). I, for example, don’t understand it. I spent three months this year trying to learn about it.   I made a video about it! So you should check it out! You can...

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Los Chanchitos


(This story happened sometime in November. I’m sharing it now.) Okay. So every morning my mom and sister leave about an hour to a half hour before I do to go to work. We bought 5 piglets from our neighbors yesterday and it happens that the bars on the cage door are just slightly large...

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Five Days of Carnaval Craziness


Carnaval is five days of pure craziness and fun, be prepared to get very dirty and wet and when you leave the house, leave the house prepared to fight. Carnaval started the first weekend of February, kids were out of school and there was no work for that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The first day...

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La Caminata del Quiche


“La Caminata del Quinche,” is a pilgrimage that started over 400 years ago, that the people of the Catholic churches participate in every year. I´m not Catholic, but I thought it would be a great cultural experience and cool to participate in, so two other Fellows and I met up around 3p.m. Friday afternoon at the...

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Although I am now back in the United States, I haven’t forgotten Ecuador.  When I dream, I’m still back in Ecuador, among the plantains and cacao, working with the women of Sinchi Warmi.  All these memories that come back to me at unexpected moments led me to think back to a little piece of writing...

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Try Again: I’m No Role Model


You’re wasting time when you try defining anyone I believe in; well , especially me. Only thing you can define are words and I’m neither a word or a line. I don’t even know sometimes if I am human. Maybe the closest word that can define me is crazy! Seriously, I’m just 19 years old...

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Some Things Never Change


To be honest, I am not a poetry girl by nature. But during the last few weeks of re-entry, I have found it to be a fitting outlet. Here’s my latest shot at free verse on change. Enjoy.   Is it true that some things never change? Bound by constant, unremitting force Surrendered to the...

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