Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Welcome to my blog!


Welcome to my Global Citizen Year blog! Subscribe and follow along on on my adventures during my gap year abroad.

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Welcome to my blog!


Welcome to my Global Citizen Year blog! Subscribe and follow along on on my adventures during my gap year abroad.

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Welcome to my blog!


Welcome to my Global Citizen Year blog! Subscribe and follow along on on my adventures during my gap year abroad.

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Welcome to my blog!


Welcome to my Global Citizen Year blog! Subscribe and follow along on on my adventures during my gap year abroad.

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Here to Live, not to Stay


I was warned about “Ecua-Time”. I was told that life followed a slower pace here and that people were always late. I was told that there would be a lot of down time, a lot of hours dedicated to just me and my thoughts. My reaction was, Perfect, that’s exactly what I need. Time to...

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To Be a Woman


*   I realize that I’m typing this with white knuckles.   I realize that my jaw is tense as the I recall the words of recent headlines swirling in my brain.   I realize that I’m biased, and I carry my biases with me in this blog post.   However…   This post is...

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Embracing the Uncomfortable


Today is October 9th. Not only does that mean that i’ve been in Ecuador for about one month but it also means fall. The leaves change into beautiful gold, red and orange colors and its the time when apples are the right amount of crispy. The air is chilled so vests are now again in...

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In Ecuador, adios is what you say as a more permanent goodbye. Instead, most of us just say chao, a sort of see you later. But yesterday, I said adios to the family I’ve been staying with for the past month. Truly one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It brings tears to my...

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Along for the Paseo


On the third day of my apprenticeship at the radio, Joselyn, the reporter, asked me to listen to interviews she’d conducted with some folks from Guatemala. Guatemala? Seriously? I didn’t come all the way to Ecuador to learn about Guatemala. But despite my apprehension, I sat down and went through the audio files. Among other...

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What ‘Privilege’ Means


It is difficult to accept your privilege. Privilege is something I thought I didn’t have, something that only ‘rich’ people had. That is until I came to Ecuador. Somewhere in my mind, the word privilege had gained a negative connotation, that growing up privileged somehow made you ignorant and unaware of things. In this journey...

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Me Llamo Anita Lechón


I listen to the mayor of Cayambe discuss the idea of dualism in Kayambi culture. “In order for the world to work,” he explains, “Balance is necessary. The sun needs the moon. The masculine needs the feminine. The rainy season needs the dry season.” In the Kayambi tradition, the universe is united through polar opposites....

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Maybe the journey begins where the pavement ends and the cactus grow


Wow! What a world we live in! A couple ponderings from the life I am creating in Ecuador: Maybe the journey can only begin when the pavement ends and the cactus grow. And maybe at this place you may find a heart filled home where the walls have cracks in them because of the strength...

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