Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Getting There


As I fly into my new adventure, my gap year in Ecuador, I can’t stop thinking about what my second year told me about her gap year experience in Ecuador. Just 2 weeks ago, I was still in HK, having lunch with her. Time passed by real quick. I left Hong Kong a week and...

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Global Launch Take Aways– Don’t Forget to Snap


  Dreams are universal, opportunities are not.   Snaps.   This. This phrase, this thought, this realization, is enough to break a soul. It is enough to cause a panic, enough to catch a breath and still a mind. It is enough to make one notice themselves, the world they were born into, what they...

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What is my Identity?


Jet lag, living out of a suitcase, being surrounded constantly by people, meeting new people, saying where you are from 1000x, sharing your challenges, re-thinking what you’re doing with your life, coming to a whole different place, trying to find wifi, finding out where you’ll be living for the next 8 months, meeting your host...

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First Sneeze in Ecuador


  As our plane descended 37,000 feet down from the clouds into the capital city of Quito, I was struck with an obvious thought: “this is my first time in Ecuador.” (duh). It was my first time outside the United States, so of course this was my first time in Ecuador. However, as a person...

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First Impressions


In the weeks leading up to Global Launch at Stanford, I made some resolutions. At the dawn of a new era, I decided that I would be excited and outgoing; I’d greet everyone with an enthusiastic hello. New Macy, as I imagined her, would be notoriously kind and confident. And most importantly, New Macy would...

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From Summer Camp to a Bridge Year


I’ve always made fun of Camp Kids. By that, I mean people who have gone to camp every summer since age 6; the people who became counselors once they were too old to be campers. Summer camp was never for me. I never identified with the unique brand of enthusiasm and spirit that I saw...

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A year behind or actually ahead?


Who says you need to follow the beaten path? There’s a reason that the trail is so worn down and its because today’s young adults are ushered blindly in a direction of college and a subsequent career, without ever questioning what is it that I really want to do? Though I could have easily started...

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The Beginning


A lot is happening in this week before I leave for California, and let me tell you it is not easy. A week full of anxiety and seemingly empty of everything else. It’s really, for lack of a better word, weird. While visiting my friends and sisters at college my feelings are jumbled up all...

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The past does not define me


Going into global citizen year I was scared, anxious, and I held a lot of emotional baggage. I was skeptical of what the true reason I came into this program is but after the last group meeting we had I can confidently say I have found my purpose.  As some of you may know I...

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232. Right now I'm the 3, currently in Oakland, sandwiched between home and home. The first of which I lived for 18 years, and the second of which I'll live for a mere 7 months, though it will certainly feel much longer. I'm the 3…. three hours behind in time from where I'd be if...

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I have No Keys Left


     As I am moving on to a new and different part of my life, I am excited, nervous, and a little bit scared. I am excited because I always wanted to go to different countries and learn new things. I am nervous and scared because as someone who has changed schools quite a...

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Be Your Own Pressure System


To ease my nervous breath before I travelled to California, I decided to read a poem or two. I shuffled through my Grandmother’s book collection, letting my fingertips gently graze upon each book’s spine until it landed on one that felt right.The book that I happened to pick up was called Winds by Mary O’Neill,...

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