Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Bye New Orleans


I’m happy I got to spend my last night in New Orleans with my best friend at a Lil Wayne concert. HELLO Ecuador!

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First Blog Post


Very excited for my flight to San Francisco for Global Launch! (Drew up my flight.)

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Pre-departure Questions!


  I depart for Global Launch and an incredible journey tomorrow morning. I am overwhelmed as I prepare myself physically , mentally and emotionally for what’s to come over the next 7 months. In the past year, since I have announced my decision to travel to Ecuador with Global Citizen Year, I have been bombarded...

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Dear Future Self


Dear a different person,   You’re about to embark on the wildest journey that you will probably ever experience in your lifetime; it’s a decision you made on a whim, but for some reason those are the ones that work out best for you. You took the take the road less paved saying maybe a...

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What Have I Gotten My Self Into?


Welcome to my first blog post!   I just want to address the fact that I have absolutely no idea what to share at this point 😅. The last three weeks have truly been a blur. I have had to pack up my life and put it in a bag, I have had to see family...

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Family manifesto


I have the biggest family in the world. When I say big i mean REALLY  BIG. I am the first to 50 sisters and brothers with lots of uncles and aunties in the house. Though we are not related by blood, we are related by heart and by love. I love this wall in our...

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Pre-Departure Lists


The countdown is almost done! Today is my last day before I leave for Global Launch in San Francisco. My bags are packed. I have started to say my goodbyes. The dozens and dozens of to-do, packing, and fundraising lists I have made over the last year in preparation for this journey are mostly checked...

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Follow the White Chacos


This blog post is coming to you from Gate number 5 at the Minneapolis international airport. Initially I was thinking about writing my first blog post from home as sort of a goodbye to a place I wouldn’t come back to until April and all the things I would miss. But I decided against it...

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But I Will


  I went to get my duffel out of my mom’s trunk this morning and found a box of halloween lights, and a unopened bottle of fall-colored sprinkles in there too. These will no doubt be used on the sugar cookies we make at my sister’s annual halloween party. There will also be pigs in...

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Mi Aventura En Ecuador


    ¡Hola, y gracias por acompañarme en mi aventura!   As some of you may know, spending a year in Ecuador before heading to college has not always been my plan. In fact, it was a fairly last minute change-of-plans. Let’s start at the beginning.   My whole life, my parents have done a...

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A Car on a Street in a Town


  Rain patters onto the window of my car and streaks down in grayish hues, racing towards the tiny crevice where glass meets steel. Each drop is reflected back on to my outstretched arm, and it creates a beautiful design that no tattoo could compare to. I could sit there and watch the shifting patterns...

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Pre-Departure Non-Jitters


Everyone expects me to be nervous, but I’m not. In two days, I leave my home in suburban Philadelphia for a week long leadership training course with 150 other teens in San Francisco. After that, we break into four groups to fly to our respective future homes for the next 8 months. In my case,...

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