Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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They Just Did It


Just some people who followed their traveling dreams and reminded me to follow mine.   Sofia During our In-Country Orientation in Quito, we were given a project to explore a park called El Parque la Carolina and speak to anyone we met there. As we were strolling around we found ourselves meeting a young woman...

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Notes From The Field


A few notes from the journal I kept to document my time in Ecuador (or at least try to). Hope you enjoy!   September 18, 2016 While at the market, I saw a kid chasing after a chicken and thought of nothing but that one scene in Mr. Bean's Holiday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3IVOiRFX3o   October 9, 2016...

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Spring Haikus


March I’m a year older I have started counting days This is the last month April I can’t believe it  The day has come to say chao Where is my home now May Life here is normal Now I’m back in the desert  Only memories 

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Winter Haikus


December Words have meanings now  However my days they don’t Learning to just be January The days pass by slow The weeks pass by much faster I might love it here February  Rain season is here I do not miss the dessert  Life here is simple

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Fall Haikus


August I have landed here Everything is so different  Words are just sounds here September  This is my new home The clouds are my new normal Guinea pigs are food  October I love rice and eggs I’m tired of rice and eggs I am adjusting  November Thanksgiving is here Homesickness has greeted me  The Andes are home 

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A Look Inside ICO


      [vc_video link=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Jkw8yckM8&t=6s’]   In-Country Orientation is a three week-long immersion experience. After leaving home in the United States I got my first taste of Ecuador while living in the main city of Quito with a local host family. I spent my days in intensive language classes and exploring the city that I...

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My final Blog: Family in Ecuador through photos


First part of our journey in Ecuador, this was the last time we were all together before our site assignments. My first host family in Ecuador my mother Tanya and her sister. Me and my primas y hermana Anahi on the way to the discoteca. My host mother Olga, host father Fabio, host sister Sabina...

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My Last Day in Ecuador



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Thoughts Before the Journey


The next months of my life are going to be undeniably life changing. I head off to Sayasui near Cuenca, which is a nine-hour bus ride south from Quito. I will be staying with a rad host family, and doing an apprenticeship at a Women's Shelter. This is a safe place for women who are...

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The Day After


I wrote this blog post the day after I left Cañar in my notebook while we were all still in Quito. I didn’t get a chance to type it up that same day (parasites were slowly killing me), and I just imagined I would get back to it a little bit later when my stomach...

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One month out and ramblings.


When I started packing for my trip to Ecuador, I fully intended to return to New York City. So whenever I faced any difficulty, or any discomfort or homesickness, I would tell myself “Ok, X more months until I’m home.”. And that helped me, because I could look forward to being surrounded by familiarity when...

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Typical Ecuadorian food


For one my last blogs I would like to show you the prize presentation about the typical Ecuadorian food. https://prezi.com/tabptnbaql-c/edit/#2_30863873

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