Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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So in Global Citizen Year, we have a something called a speakup – basically, it’s a fellow’s time to get up in front of a selected audience and talk about whatever they want. It can be advice, a story, a really heavy moment – whatever! Afterwards, the fellow is given constructive criticism, so it’s a...

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One month breathing has got me where?


I haven’t quite liked coming home. There have been moments of course, where happiness and familiarity and home flood into me like a long past due breath of oxygen, and I wonder where all my sticky resistance to this place comes from, and how I’ve gone so long without my family and my room and...

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The End


The last slide on the powerpoint presentation that I’m giving to Coach Biggers’ class has the title “What I learned”, which is followed by three easy bullet points: •       “Global perspective” – acknowledging and changing my “lens” •       Spanish •       Integrate the things I like about Ecuadorian culture into my life Global perspective to me...

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Being Home


After spending almost a year away from what seems to be normality to an individual I was over the top excited to get home. At some point in my year I even counted down the days that would lead to me being home. At that point in time I had not experienced the journey of...

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I Wish I could find a Remedy


Even when you think that you have said too many goodbyes in you life and that one more wont affect you I ask you to think again. When I think back to a year before this experience I was not this attached to the people that I met this year, I even had no idea...

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I always tend to believe that we are all journeying through life and we have to g through certain rights of passage that are considered as normal. However on the other hand I still decided to take a bridge year that would bridge my past, my present experience and my future in which in my...

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Why don’t more students take gap years?


Are you thinking about taking a bridge/gap year after high school, but keep running into doubts and self-discouraging thoughts? Here are 4 reasons to put away those excuses and get ready for adventure!   Just a year ago, I was contemplating whether I should follow the norm by going to college after high school or...

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The day she wore an afro


To many people of African decent wearing our natural hair in Afro style should be something normal and not some thing that seems out of the ordinary. To her it was a normal day to work as she prepared in the morning to set off to the school that she teaches. It was a Monday and therefore she would...

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Moths and Other Frustrations


Written December 30, 2015  It's 11:55 PM. We have just finished sitting down to a family meal of undercooked tilapia. I had no interest in eating so late, but it seems as if my host family follows the same meal routine regardless of what time we arrive home. Tomorrow we're bound for our New Year's...

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Coming home


I’ve been home from Ecuador for about a month and a half now. Being home, I’ve realized how much it’s changed my life. Before living in Ecuador, I had lived in the same place all my life. Now, I have this experience living in another world. I find myself constantly thinking about the differences between...

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Saturday, April 16


Saturday, April 16 I’m about 30 minutes away from Austin and I’m nervous. I haven’t been in Austin-Bergstrom for a while. It even had begun to feel like another airport, Mariscal Sucre in Quito, had become “my airport” – when I went to pick up Emma there with my friends, or saying goodbye to my...

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13 May 2016


Tucked between the towering Andes, Quito, Ecuador is what many call a world-class metropolis. From my experience of my first month living there and my last three days preparing to say “hello again” to the U.S., I must agree. Upon my initial arrival to Quito alongside my final arrival to the U.S. where my inaccurate...

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