Archives: Fellow Updates

मुझे हैदराबाद पसंद है

Momar Mboup


मुझे हैदराबाद की याद आती है । मेरा परिवार ओर मैं नागोल में रहते हैं । हम लोग रोज़ बात करते थे । खाना हैदराबाद में बहुत मसालेदार और तीखा है । इसलिए यह बहुत अच्छा है । सब लोग मेरे दोस्त हैं ।मैं विजय भारती विद्यालय में काम करना था । मेरा घर से...

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Faith Anderson


I look back at the valuable words my Teach for India mentor, Ananya, shared with me in a letter she gave me at the end of the year.  In this letter she shares with me lessons that she learned from me, and I know realize that they are almost word for word the lessons that I...

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Ten Tips for Those Interested in Taking a (GCY) Gap Year in Senegal

Peter Dull


Known as the Land of Teranga (Hospitality in Wolof), Senegal is a great place to test your limits and be able to immerse yourself in a societal context polar to your own. While learning the culture and language is great, you need to also learn how to set appropriate expectations that are realistic with your...

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My top 10 Brazilian songs

Ida Nydelius


Olá! Welcome to a short introduction to Brazilian music. Put on your headphones, let's dive in! 10. Medley da Gaiola – Dennis DJ Remix – MC Kevin o Chris Here is my fav funk song which reminds me of those funk parties and how the Brazil cohort was showing their new skills at RET. *FUNK*...

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Why Should You Take A Gap Year?

Brian Hill


     There are endless reasons that you should take a gap year abroad instead of going directly to college. When you participate in a program like Global Citizen Year, you gain an indescribable amount of experience, perspective, and connection that you just wouldn’t get in almost any other environment. Over this past year, I’ve...

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Movie Recommendations

Luca Sassi


Most nights before going to bed I tried to watch a movie as it's something I'm passionated about. This is a list of some of the movies I watched over my time in Senegal, which in a way they touched me. —> Call Me By Your Name —> Midnight in Paris —> The Iron Lady...

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My biggest fear

Luca Sassi


I apply to GCY without overthinking, it was a very spontaneous decision that I took. It took e time to start processing the fact that soon I was going to be leaving Uruguay and start a new life in Senegal. Once the process started the questions started to arrive Am I prepared? Do I really...

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