Archives: Fellow Updates

with question marks in my eye

Victoria Tran-Trinh


As the only fellow who has yet to write a blog post, I'm forcing myself to write today - only three days before our Global Citizen Years officially start - out of guilt and a little bit of embarrassment.

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Seeds at the Farmer’s Market

Gaya Morris


I am writing on the train, or on the “T” as we like to call it here in Boston, rushing off to work (I am a hostess at an Italian restaurant in Cambridge) after a wonderful morning at the Hingham Farmer’s market on behalf of GCY. The Farmer’s Market, set up in a parking lot...

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Many, Many Faces: a fundraising art project!

Gaya Morris


As you may already have heard, each GCY fellow has committed to fundraise a minimum of 2000 dollars before our departure. We have been writing letters, emails, talking to friends and family and some fellows have even hosted events in their home communities. The idea is that, besides of course raising needed funds, we will...

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Hilary Brown


Asking for money is not a skill that comes easily. In high school instead of selling a hundred dollars worth of chocolate like I was supposed to I often paid the school and gave the chocolate to my friends so I would not “bother” anyone. Therefore, the task of raising two thousand dollars for the...

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Have A Little Faith

Ananda Day


When the road gets dark And you can no longer see Have a little faith in me. -John Hiatt When you read the headlines in today’s newspapers and websites, anything but the feeling of faith is conjured up. Disgust, anger, sadness, shock, fear, even humor, resonate everywhere, but faith almost never appears. What about the non-stop...

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Down to earth

Gaya Morris


So I’m not really sure why, but for some reason traveling always puts me in the mood for writing – airplanes, cars, trains. I’m on an airplane right now, about to take off. Maybe its the feeling of movement underfoot, or the wide open spaces that fill a lighted window. Here is a fun fact...

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Losing Coastlines

Ananda Day


Who said sailing is fine? Leaving behind all the faces that I might replace if I tried on that long ride, looking deep inside but I don’t want to look so deep inside yet. -Okkervil For me, realization is the coast of the sea. As you leave the water to go back to the beach...

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