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author avatar

Jasmine Johnson

Jasmine is passionate about environmental sustainability, health and fitness and learning about the nuances of different cultures and people. She loves reading and the outdoors and hopes to hike some of the mountains in Ecuador. She is involved in LIFE Challenge program run by The Global Education and Leadership Foundation (tGELF) where she targets the sustainable development goals through innovation, campaigning and technology. She is also involved in club basketball and theatre. Her goals for the year is to learn about the lives of the people around her, become fluent in Spanish, make strong connections to fellows and people in her home country and immerse herself in humanity. Her favourite quote is "By helping others, you are really helping yourself"


On Leaving – A free write from my favourite cafe

Jasmine Johnson


1/02/19 – La Cosecha When you go to a place you never think that it will be the last time. I’ve been thinking about how I’ve got such little time left and that not only people do I need to say goodbye to but places as well. Why is that? Say goodbye to a place?...

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Snaps and Captions Part 3

Jasmine Johnson


*February * *Cotacachi* [image: IMG_4255.jpg] The best thing about Ecuador is the plethora of puppies. This was another fellow’s latest addition to her family and I couldn’t help but carry him around like the sleepy baby he is. *Tena * [image: f4f49682-61dc-4a78-b0c2-559a76ccae91.jpg] This is our good morning at 5 am face. We were able to...

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Snaps and Captions Part 2

Jasmine Johnson


*November* *Otavalo Train Station* [image: IMG_3768.jpg] In the tourism office I worked in they were doing a small advertisement film campaign. They needed a model to play an indigenous Otavaleña woman to pray at the two churches in Otavalo. It took me about five times to get the Son Father and Holy spirit action correct,...

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Snaps and Captions Part 1

Jasmine Johnson


*A picture says a 1000 words, and considering I haven’t posted a blog in a while, I thought I’d share 3 pictures from each month up until now. If I’ve done the maths correctly that’s about 18,000 words. So that should put me in a good place. Enjoy.* *September* *San Rafel* [image: IMG_3112 2.jpg] This...

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Feeling 18 and Ecuador

Jasmine Johnson


[image: IMG_3260-3.jpg] Today I did something pretty stupid. Back home in Singapore, I love nothing better than riding my bike. Going out without a helmet (I do not recommend) onto the streets blasting my music, knowing every path and alleyway. Through the nights and into the mornings, I would cycle my thoughts away and watch...

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