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Melissa Matias


Thank Yous

Melissa Matias


Thank You Staff I’m so grateful for the support that we have to fall back on. The close relationships we have with our team leaders in this cohort is one that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Zooni, thanks for listening to all of my problems and still believing that I can overcome whatever it may...

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Te Extraño Cultura Mia

Melissa Matias


I videochatted papi the other day to catch him up on everything. Homesickness. Actual sickness. Hindi class. My apprenticeship. The cohort. A WEDDING?!  As I’m talking to my dad, I hear mami stirring red rice in a pot and singing along to the latest Ozuna song in the background. For most of my life, I’ve lived...

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Chasing Sunsets

Melissa Matias


serenity /sɪˈrɛnɪti/ Learn to pronounce noun the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. All my life, I’ve been fixated on this feeling of serenity. I was hoping that this time in India would bring me just that… but that was not the case. I think I was in search of the wrong thing. Maybe,...

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27 P.M.

Melissa Matias


My emotions are usually at a plateau. No substantially huge downs and even less ups. I just exist? I do everything I’m supposed to and those are my normal days. Of course, there’s amazing moments within these days but it’s incomparable to this rare feeling of “surrealism” (?), which I was able to experience last...

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Being Homesick Sucks?

Melissa Matias


“Live in the present” they say but for some reason, I can’t stop thinking about the life I’ve been living for the past eighteen years. October 27th was Diwali and in preparation of it, my host family and I set up lights and lamps all around the house. Automatically, my mind associated that with the...

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Melissa Matias


My "experience" in high school wasn't a good one but don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad one either. What it HAS been was a journey trying to find the "up to my down".  In elementary school, my fourth grade teacher asked the class of twenty what their dream schools were. My bestfriends...

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