Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Oh how the moments go…


It’s been quite a long time since I have written a blog. Moments have come and gone, and as of today there is one month left of this adventure. I cannot comprehend how that happened so fast. I’ve decided to share some of the photos taken during this time. ¡Siga no mas! Las muñecas en...

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I Find Myself Reading


I am the same person I was when I left home six months ago: stubborn, persistent, and dedicated when I decide to be. I’m quick to judge, but I strive to be kind. I fall asleep daydreaming—about going home, working at Explo this summer, moving into my dorm at Wellesley in the fall. I have...

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Getting the gap year I didn’t want


I can’t believe its been 6 months here in Ecuador. I’ve struggled to write blogs because I feel as though I can barely capture all that has happened through me just in words. But here I am trying to perhaps write somewhat of an update, and I am so grateful for the journey I have...

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Finally a Ñaña


I’ve always wanted to be a big sister. I tried to get my fill through playing with friends’ little siblings or hanging out with younger cousins, but it’s not quite the same as actually living with the tiny rascals. On September 7, 2018, I finally realized my childhood dream of becoming a big sister. No,...

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First month


Enviado desde Yahoo Mail para iPhone

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The Last Three Months: A transformation from existing to truly living in Ecuador


How do I sum up the last 3 months of my life in a single blog? The idea of November seems recent, but when I close my eyes and think back to it I see the last three months flash by with millions of memories and stories. When I close my eyes, the first thing...

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Here Comes the Bride


My host parents are young and during my GCY year, they decided to have a church wedding which is how I became a bridesmaid along with FOUR other GCY Fellows in my host mother’s wedding. My host parents, Eli and Sairy seem to be on a perpetual honeymoon stage, especially as this wedding day approached....

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My Independent Travels


From December 15th until the end of February, the fellows have the opportunity to create their own travel plans to explore more parts of Ecuador. This is such an amazing experience because we get to leave our homes and see places that interest us independently. Personally, I would like to travel everywhere in Ecuador, but...

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Language Barriers!!!!!!!


I remember being dropped off intomy host family six months back not knowing a single word of Spanish. I was soworried on how I was going to be able to communicate if I can’t speak thelanguage. I started my first month here conversing by using only google translate.It was so stressful and difficult. I would...

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Their baby is growing up


My time here has been extremely special and positively changed me as a person and possibly my favorite part of the time here has been being able to share what I have been experiencing with my family who have come to visit. Being able to show them that “their baby” was able to come to...

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Snaps and Captions Part 2


*November* *Otavalo Train Station* [image: IMG_3768.jpg] In the tourism office I worked in they were doing a small advertisement film campaign. They needed a model to play an indigenous Otavaleña woman to pray at the two churches in Otavalo. It took me about five times to get the Son Father and Holy spirit action correct,...

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Snaps and Captions Part 1


*A picture says a 1000 words, and considering I haven’t posted a blog in a while, I thought I’d share 3 pictures from each month up until now. If I’ve done the maths correctly that’s about 18,000 words. So that should put me in a good place. Enjoy.* *September* *San Rafel* [image: IMG_3112 2.jpg] This...

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