Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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If you can make sense of this gimme a call


Here we go; lets tell a goddam story. Eight months and you’d think I’d have the hang of this by now. Eight months and you’d think I’d have the hang of a lot of things. But anyways, I’m sitting here, my computer slowly burning out the last of its battery. And if I cant do...

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going home


I was still dressed in the tights I’d had on for my last meeting with the moon as I walked up to the bus this morning. My friends were ahead of me, loading luggage in the stale yellow light of a solitary lamp. Goodbyes were dulled by the heavy sleep we were pushing off. 4...

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An Ode to Bus Stops (A photo journal, not a poem)


This year, finding, walking to, waiting at, and getting off at bus stops has become an incredibly important part of my life. No matter where I've lived in the Cuenca area, I have always been on the blue city bus line, and I've been able to connect the map of bus routes each time I've...

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Live From The Field


water struck by celina ma kwan the news says “el niño has arrived.” and mornings have made these walls hues of suppression my back has limboed it’s way in the return of emptiness where my body has spilled itself remain here where these sheets are now stained of me and everything that is lost there...

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7 Months in Awe


Most times it still does not feel real. I constantly remind myself I am actually living right here, in a foreign country, in Ecuador, in my campo that is Bella Union, and am astonished by everything that suddenly becomes real in the moment of that thought. The after-rain mud slides under the soles of my...

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On love


Often with blogs there is a sense of falseness, but not in a negative way. It is a natural occurrence that happens when you know other people are reading your work. I can personally say I do it; romanticise daily life or events to make them seem more interesting. To me it comes as no...

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Final Community Project – a Video


My final project was to organize a collection of books in my apprenticeship host into a working children’s library. Here’s the process:  

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Short Stories


September 29, 2015 After having taken several hearty naps throughout the day earlier, I am not tired and have trouble falling asleep. Then, like clockwork, at midnight by bladder calls. I lay awake in bed, arguing with myself for half an hour before I can no longer take the pressure and decide that I cannot fall asleep before I have...

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Careless Heroes, Hidden Saviours


Being a comic nerd, I’ve always had an obsession with caped vigilantes, swooping in to save the world and prevent the evils from coming out on top. From Spiderman, to Nightwing, I’ve always imagined myself with their abilities, making a difference out there in the world. But it’s my time here in Ecuador that has...

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TIME – attempting poetry


(made for a gcy prompt in trying other forms of storytelling) its funny, i think. how all things change. in the time it takes for a seed to sprout up from the ground for clouds to come and go for rain to nuture new life for a head of corn to stand tall in the...

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Stand Still, Look Pretty


     As a caucasian girl from Raleigh, North Carolina, I have been fortunate enough not to have endured the annoyance of being gawked at by strangers. If I walked into a grocery store in a 17th century costume, people would probably will stare. However, the correlation between the amount of times people stare at me and...

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What I’ve Learned


If I were to list every individual aspect of growth that I have seen in myself this year, this would be a very long(er) blog. From overall global perspective to my favorite act of showing “curiosity before judgement” to maintaining self-awareness, this year has given me the opportunity to become a person I am proud...

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